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Current page: Profession - PDM (Product Data Management)
PDM - Product Data Management

My experience with PDM systems is based on two different types of experiences. I have been working as a Parts Planner/Parts Engineer where I, at Customer Support, were deciding which parts that should be available as spare parts. In that job we used PDM systems to browse machine structures and of course drawings to get more detailed information about the components, assemblies and parts. In that job I encountered a number of PDM systems but was more or less specialized in one, which Volvo had developed themselves and then some experience in some others as well.

The second type of experience was System Improvement/Development. Regarding System Improvement, I have both driven Process Improvement work which has resultet in minor changes to PDM system and also participated in a huge PDM system project for two years.
The PDM project gave me quite a lot experience since we were describing what we needed from a PDM system. We had a lot of project meetings where we described the requirements, processes and also discussing all the different underlying structures, how things should be connected in order to work as required.

With that said, I have not been working as design engineer or similar, and therefore don't have any experience with CAD systems other than seen it but never worked with it.

PDM Structures


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