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Current page: Profession
My work history in "short"

I have worked with Business Processes between late 2002 and August 2010, where the mapping was quite new to Volvo (at least within Volvo Construction Equipment) when we started started late 2002. I became Process Leader for main/mega process PPD (Product Portfolio Development) at Customer Support since I worked as a Parts Planner/Engineer and we had a good view of many of the other departments and of course my interest and putting my hand up.

Since then I got involved in Volvo CE business process mapping as Customer Support representative and we developed the first process maps at Level 2. This because we got the Level 0, with Main/Mega processes, and the first version of the Level 1 PPD process (breakdown of PPD Main/Mega process) from HQ.

My process journey then went from the Volvo CE maps to align Customer Supports processes into the Global high level processes as much as possible and modify the rest we couldn't align 100% to.
A lot of work was also regarding setting up project model and have it aligned with the processes and the other way around. When that was setup, I have then been involved in numerous Volvo CE process and system improvement projects.

The two biggest was one huge PDM Project (PDM - Product Data Management) where we defined Design Procedures which was going to align all different product lines to one process and using same PDM system. This was a really good experience in a number of reasons for my part. Of course working with the IS/IT project model and getting familiar with it and also better knowledge in PDM and CAD. The other big project was still running when I started my study leave (August 17 2010). That was a very interesting project regarding project management tools and connection with financial data. Cannot say anything more than that but very interesting and fun to work with.

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