First I had the domain name and I liked the domain name very much, but I had some trouble moving it to another
domain host. Then I lost it when I was waiting for it to be realesed from the domain host I had so I could move it.
But that is another story.
However, I had the domain and I wanted a cool logo and sat down sketching some when I discovered how the angles
formed a cool 3D shape feeling and suddenly I saw that you could either see it as the center of the picture is closer
to you, as a box and also that it can be farthest away from you as you are looking at the inside of the box.
As I thought the box could represent pixels, as my interest in art and design, it suited me.
Now that I have, which I hope will be converted into my future company, the logo can also serve as metaphor
for think out of the box, breaking down and structure or any other buzz words we use within Process & System
improvement projects.
The bottom one is the first version, middle 2:nd and the top....the latest version.